Reactive Extensions: The Why

The first part of a series which looks into reactive extensions. This post starts right at the beginning of the reactive extensions story, exploring the surprisingly simple building blocks of reactive extensions. read more…

One Year of Remote Working

Over a year ago, I joined GitHub and began working remotely. When I started there were a lot of things I was cautiously optimistic about, and there were some I could have never have been prepared for. read more…

Enemy of the State

A talk given at JSConfAu - Taking a critical look at some of the patterns we see being applied in common JS frameworks to see if the give us ways of handling state and events in a scaleable, maintainable fashion. read more…

Ruby Rogues Podcast

I know nothing of Ruby, but today I was hounoured to be on the Ruby Rogues podcast today talking about 10 things I have learned about Developing applications to run on cloud infrastructure. read more…

Integration Testing ASP.NET Web API

Want to know what kind of HTTP APIs suck? The ones that break all of their clients every time a new version is minted. One way to keep ourselves in check is to sling up an integration test suite. In this post I cover an approach I have used to integration test my ASP.NET Web APIs both in memory, and then use that same suite to test the API once its deployed to a test environment. read more…

Exist in the Web - Not on It

A talk given at wdcnz-2013. A 30,000 ft view on how we can model our public web APIs close to how HTTP was designed to be used, and an illustration of what kinds of problems hypermedia web apis can try and solve for your in your public web APIs. read more…

Unsuck Your Backbone

Backbone.js is awesome, but its scaling it is hard. Especially when you dont start with a plan. Take a look at how Marionette.js can help. Watch the video of the talk ‘Unsuck your backbone’ given at Codemania 2013 read more…